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Courage - Kate Swoboda | Intangibles 026
By Steve Berg May 21, 2018
On This Episode:
Kate Swoboda, sometimes known as “Kate Courageous.” She is a life coach, director of the Courageous Living Coach Certification, author of The Courage Habit, and creator of the Courageous Living Program. She teach people how to stop getting stuck in the stress that is caused by fear-based habits, and how we can leverage habit-formation to start living with more courage. Kate is a contributing columnist to magazines such as USA Today, Forbes, and Business Insider.
Intangibles: A podcast about traits, behaviors, and qualities that entrepreneurs can cultivate to be successful. Find us on the web at www.intangiblespodcast.com
Lytical Ventures: An enterprise-focused, early-stage venture fund in NYC. You can find us at https://lyticalventures.com/
Dentons Venture Technology Group: Operating as a boutique within the world’s largest law firm, the venture technology group runs with hard-charging tech entrepreneurs to drive growth through strategic business, finance, and legal advice from Silicon Valley to New York, to London, Berlin, Hong Kong, and beyond. Learn more at www.dentonsventurebeyond.com
VC Careers: If you're looking for a job in venture capital, join over 8,000 VCs and VC job hunters on John Gannon’s VC jobs email list. Visit johngannonblog.com/Intangibles to learn more and to subscribe.
The Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life: In The Courage Habit, certified life coach Kate Swoboda offers a unique program based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you act courageously in spite of fear. By identifying your fear triggers, releasing yourself from your past experiences, and acting on what you truly value, you can make courage a daily habit.
Check out Pema Chodron's foundation: https://pemachodronfoundation.org/
Check out the Challenge Day Organization: https://www.challengeday.org/
Visit Kate's website: https://www.yourcourageouslife.com/
Get a Courageous Living Coach Certification: https://www.teamclcc.com/